Free Tips On How To Make A Good Introduction Paragraph For A Research Paper
When writing a research paper, often times, students find out that writing the introduction becomes more difficult than they initially thought. It is easier gathering information and using same to create the body of your academic paper but for that paper to be read and generate the interest you desire, you need to compose an intriguing introduction for it. The introduction should be such that makes sense to your target readers. This way, you are able to effectively transport your target readers from their own world to yours.
Now, in order for you to be able to make a good introduction paragraph for your research paper, here are some free tips to help you get started. These tips are as follows:
- Think About The Question: Most academic papers are based on answering certain questions and for this reason, you should think about the question related to your paper before you start writing the introduction. You should answer this question in the introduction which would then be the thesis of the paper.
- Make It Interesting: When you work towards grabbing the attention of your target readers, then you would have succeeded in writing a good introduction for your research paper. Some of the ways you can achieve this are by including a thought-provoking quotation in the beginning of your introduction. You can also include an interesting example which would pinch at your readers’ imaginations. Last but not the least, you can create puzzling visuals through your words.
- Write Your Introduction Last: One of the most effective methods of crafting a very good introduction is by making sure it is written last. The reason for this is that when you finish writing the body of your paper first, then you would know what you really want to argue about and how to go about arguing it. Therefore, leave the writing of your introduction as the last section of your paper that you work on.
- Exhibit Confidence: There are words and phrases that explicitly tell your target readers that you lack confidence in your project. Therefore, when you write the introduction of your research paper, make sure you exhibit a high level of confidence through your choice of words, phrases or opening sentences.
These are some of the tips that most students have found very helpful when it comes to crafting a good introduction for their academic papers. More so, ensure that you write in a clear manner so that your viewpoint is easily understood or digested by your readers.